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" A legtöbb ma készült zene nem létezik fizikai formában. Korábban már leírtam, Freddie mennyire aprólékos volt, amikor a részletekről vagy az albumborító megalkotásáról volt szó. Ma a legtöbb lemez digitálisan érhető el valamely internetes felületen. Abból a célból, hogy „naprakészek” legyünk, mi is hasonlóan csináltuk. Hozzátettünk néhány fotót a stúdióból, ahogyan a munka zajlott, hogy élvezetesebb legyen a dalszövegek olvasása. A

dalszövegek angolul vannak, így felkerestük a Petr Bat’ek cseh színészt és költőt, aki versekben meséli el a dalok jelentését, hogy amennyire csak lehet, visszaadja az eredeti szöveg valódi jelentését. És talán egyszer az egész albumot meghallgathatod. Hagyd magad meglepni! "

Peter Freestone

art milan band A.jpg



Skladba " Just One Night " bude vydána 1.12.2023 - Světový den v boji proti AIDS

Free As A Bird

Dreaming of flight, free from earth’s gravity
Starting from scratch reaching out for the goal
How will it fly, really can’t wait to see
With the dream coming true, t’will be good for the soul

Reaching the end, being able to fly
That is my aim getting closer to me
Putting parts together, building up by and by Be strong and be safe, because that is the key

Into the blue, flying higher and higher
A few clouds below as you climb to the sky
Free as a bird, flying higher and higher
The green earth below as hills and valleys pass you by

Freedom is there I just have to take care
Faster and faster till the wheels leave the ground The nose rises up, the prop grabs at the air Soaring aloft here, only peace to be found

Grab All The Chances

Grab all the chances that life will offer You never know where they will take you Up into the clouds of heaven
Or down under heel can be true

Grab all the chances that life will offer There’s never a guarantee of joy Perhaps sadness and the turmoil of hell Can and will play with you like a toy

Life is what you make it
Grab it, shake it, and don’t let it rest The blocks will fall in place
Life is for real, not a test

Grab all the chances that life will offer Smiles and laughter, and maybe love Maybe a non-stop merry-go-round Come up from below or down from above

Life is what you make it...

When All You HAve Set Out To Do

Goals are set, targets are fixed
You must make sure your aim is true Everything that must be done
Get out there, do it, it’s up to you

When all you have set out to do
Is finished, completed and done
It is time to spread your hidden wings Go out to the world, have fun

Pushing yourself to your limit Pushing through thick and thin
You know the ending will be worth it Try, trying, tried, you are sure to win

When all you have set out to do
Is finished, completed and done
It is time to spread your hidden wings Go out to the world, have fun

The end is finally in sight
The treasure at the rainbow’s end That fantastic feeling deep inside Already the strains are on the mend

When all you have set out to do
Is finished, completed and done
It is time to spread your hidden wings Go out to the world, have fun


Travelling here and travelling there, we are always on the go Aeroplanes, taxis, buses and trains, choppers racing high and low Into hotels then the venue, sound check then food
To the dressing room preparing, always building up the mood

We’re at home all over the world
Touring, working, getting in, getting out We’re at home all over the world
Hotels, shows, these are what it’s all about

Now it is the show time and the audience is on their feet On the stage performing, keeping everything upbeat The adrenaline is pumping as the gig comes to an end What is there left to do, party hard, then on the mend

We’re at home all over the world
Touring, working, getting in, getting out We’re at home all over the world
Hotels, shows, these are what it’s all about

Is it worth the loss of love, missing family friends and home Can we survive the next few months, private life on telephones YES

Moving On 

Living in the fast lane the world goes speeding by Never thinking what will be, a problem, just do and try Never like a classroom, life is full of joy
Good times, fun times all new, like a Christmas toy

Moving on without you
Checking out on where I’m going Living life without you
Using lessons learnt along the way

Don’t be scared, don’t be too frightened, find friends, old and new The world is here for us to see, open your eyes and do
Push ahead, feel free, keeping close all you hold dear
Everything is at your feet, you’re not alone, it’s just fear

Moving on...


Love is not a quantity Not how much to give Love is only a quality Pure as long as you live

Three little words can mean the world
I love you, I love you, I love you
Sometimes in desperation, sometimes in relief Always with emotion, it’s what you do

You can love like a brother, a sister or friend Love is yours to do with as you will
Mostly given, sometimes sold
Wallow in emotion, but be ready for the bill

Love can be like water Running all over your hands Hard to keep a hold of
Like walking on sinking sands

Love is not a quantity Not how much to give Love is only a quality Pure as long as you live

On  The Sidelines

What is the reason for my life to go on
Why do I get up, there’s nothing to do When will I wake up, this nightmare is sad Where has my dream gone, I feel alone too

On the sidelines death is waiting Arms outstretched to hold you tight Cold is his grasp, to hold you forever But you, I know,
Fought with all your might

I feel cold, sweating, shivering all night long
I am lost in this world, where once was real joy Everything’s grey, all the colours have gone
I feel tossed around, here and there, like an old toy

On the side lines death is waiting Arms outstretched to hold you tight Cold is his grasp, to hold you forever But you, I know,

Fought with all your might

Where’s the silver lining in this dark cloud of despair Where’s the shining light at this long tunnel’s end Living on promises that all will come good
Hearts continually breaking, while trying to mend

On the side lines death is waiting Arms outstretched to hold us tight Cold is his grasp, to hold us forever But you, I know,

Fought with all your might

Just One Night In Town

Sleepless, sweaty nights
how much longer do i have to put up with it? Fatigue around how hungry wolves rope time I count.
The relief appears for a little while
and after her the longing returns
how long until i'm at the finish line before my life is gone?

The painful truth, I can't go on as the guy with the scythe stands by the door.

Just for a little while into the whirlwind of the city
just one of those wild abandons of sex, drugs, rock and roll, the old way before it fades into oblivion.
Get drunk and dance the night away
in a harmlessly wild marathon, heady fun promises power
when the sun comes up we'll go home

The painful truth, I can't go on as the guy with the scythe stands by the door.

I'm a little tired, after losing weight I sense that something is wrong, I'm losing my hope, I'm running out of energy
I would like to start over again. I'm waiting for the results in the medical report, I can't do more, lie down and sleep with a bunch of medicine for the shadows in my head as long as they last.

The painful truth, I can't go on as the guy with the scythe stands by the door


A soldier on the battlefield
A nurse on the ward
A singer performing on the stage They all have their streams to ford

Fighting through the wars
Saving the oppressed
A soldier believes what he does is right Doing what he can for the best

Heroes, heroes are all around us
Every single day
Every field of action is full to overflowing Daring, caring, everyone having their say

Nurses looking after the very sick
Really taking care
Filling long hours of nursing on the wards With dedication and kind words all year

Heroes, heroes are all around us
Every single day
Every field of action is full to overflowing Daring, caring, everyone having their say

A band performing to it’s very best Filling your world with joy
Your favourite pet defending your house Heroes all, who nothing can destroy

Heroes, heroes are all around us
Every single day
Every field of action is full to overflowing Daring, caring, everyone having their say


April is the month full of the rain
Spreading around into the trees and their souls

April is the name of the girl I have in my brain Thinking about what it would be stroking her hair

What would you be without wind blows
Sharing stories from the warm coasts
When all the clouds get together to fight with the world. Oooo

When all the clouds get together to fight with the world

April is melting what the last year brings
Fresh and cold sparkles from the high mountain springs

April is the month for the world to be forced
If you explore you will find the the history posts

What would you be without wind blows
Sharing stories from the warm coasts
When all the clouds get together to fight with the world.

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